Monday, August 18, 2008

Since I'm a 2 1/1 year stroke survivor - some of my opinions include stuff about stroke:

Behavior Changes After Stroke

Excerpted from "Behavior changes After Stroke," appearing in the Stroke Connection Magazine January/February 2005.

Of all the areas of life that stroke affects, its impact on the survivor’s personality may be the most difficult for family and friends to understand and become accustomed to. “Emotional changes are typical after any type of stroke,” says Dr. Janet Spradlin, a rehabilitation psychologist at St. Anthony Rehabilitation Center in Oklahoma City. “Depression is very common after any life-changing health challenge, especially if it means a loss of independence.”

While depression is the most common emotional change after stroke, other psychological changes can be equally debilitating or frustrating.

Cognitive Challenges
Cognitive deficits are changes in thinking, like difficulty solving problems. This category also includes dementia and memory problems, as well as many kinds of communication challenges. more

Personality Changes
Some survivors experience apathy and don’t seem to care about anything. “People often mistake this for depression because survivors are content to sit and stare at the wall all day,” says Dr. Spradlin. “The best response is to get them active and moving. Give them a choice of what to do or where to go, but make it clear they have to choose to do something, they can’t just lie in bed.” more

Are These Changes Permanent?
Personality changes after stroke can be distressing to survivors and family members alike, but they are not always permanent. “It really depends on what the personality change is,” says Dr. Spradlin. “Sometimes they mellow out.” more

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